Thursday, April 10, 2014


It has been nine days since my last post. In those nine days Peyton has been admitted to BCH twice for respiratory issues. Most recently we came in on Tuesday for a pre-op appointment for his bronchoscopy that was scheduled for Wednesday. He has been fighting a little cold that has made his cough sound pretty bad. When we came in for the pre-op appointment the nurse hooked him up to the pulse ox machine and his oxygen saturation was hovering around 92. Immediately we were swarmed with nurses and he was put on an oxygen machine. We were told that we were going to be admitted. They took us to the ER where they did a full exam before they would send us to the tenth floor. I sent Dori, Dr. Jenning's nurse a text letting her know, and within minutes her and Dr. Jennings were bedside in the ER. The service they provide us is above and beyond. We were in the ER from around 9:30-4:00 when we were told they had a room for us in 10 East. I noticed going from one department to another that Peyton is frequently said hi to by name by nurses and doctors around the halls of the hospital....we are getting to be regulars. Once up in 10 East we were told that anesthesia wanted to cancel the bronch for Wednesday due to his respiratory condition. After talks with the team we rescheduled for Thursday hoping his condition would be the same if not better. So that being said he had his bronchoscopy first thing this morning. What was discovered was that he is still considered a mild/severe tracheomalacia case. The anterior portion of his trachea in one spot is pretty narrow and collapses when breathing. There are calluses where this is happening.  A good amount of mucus and secretions were also suctioned from his airway. This means that when coughing Peyton is not able to move his secretions on his own causing respiratory issues. This will continue to happen unless fixed. That being said Dr. Jennings recommended that we go ahead with scheduling the aortopexy surgery. With this surgery he will go in through the chest move the major blood vessels and attach his trachea to his sternum. Seeing that at that point his trachea will be both attached to his spine and his sternum it will be 100% open. This should allow him to cough correctly and move his secretions on his own. The aortopexy is scheduled for this coming Tuesday. Until then we will hunker down and hang out with our friends in the hospital. Thank you all for your continued support, well wishes, and prayers. It has really help get Chris and I through this. xoxo

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