Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Today is the day. We were taken down to pre-op holding around 6:30 this morning. We met with anesthesia, the OR team, and of course our favorite, Dr. Jennings. I was holding my breath that today would happen because one of Peyton's cultures came back yesterday showing that he had developed staph pneumonia. The good news is that we had started him on antibiotics last week after his bronchoscope. The hard part of it is that these respiratory issues will continue to happen until we fix his airway so it's a catch twenty-two. We just got an update that they had completed today's bronchoscope and that they had draped him in preparation for the aortopexy. They will begin by making in incision and going through his chest bone. From there they will assess the situation and devise a plan on whether they will bring the major blood vessels forward with the trachea or push them to the side. We don't know how long this surgery will take. As Rusty said, it will be over when he is done; that can take 4 hours or it can take all day. Chris and I have hunkered down by the window and are working while continuing to stay positive. Only good thoughts today. I will update once surgery has commenced. In Rusty's words 'Peace.'

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