Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Since my last post we have made some great progress. Peyton was taken down to IR on Saturday. They looked at his vein anatomy and to try and figure out why they were having so many issues with the PICC line coiling and going into his IJ. They found that his central vein is occluded. They pulled the PICC back so that it acts as a peripheral which is fine but seeing as it isn't centrally located they can't use it to administer PN which they wouldn't use it for anyway. While in IR they also switched out his g tube to a gj tube to air on the side of caution. His incision started looking a little infected. They pulled the derma bond off and did an ultrasound to see if there was fluid below the incision. They were able to clean it out and put some dry gauze over to keep clean. They weren't overly concerned, it was something that they would keep a close eye on. After a couple of days they put him on IV vanco in case there was a little infection brewing. He was heavily sedated throughout the weekend even seeing that they took him off the paralytic. They started him up on his feeds which has been going well. He was not pooping on his own so they gave him a suppository. That was unsuccessful so they then gave him an enema which did the trick. His chest x-rays started to show good progress over the weekend. His left lung that was collapsed began to fill up and the right was making progress as well. By Monday his swelling started to really go down and he started looking more and more like himself. They extubated Peyton yesterday and it went pretty smoothly. He has a nasal cannula but he is basically breathing on his own right now. His voice is very weak but not concerning seeing that he had the tube in place for seven days. Post extubation he had an allergic reaction and broke out in welts and his skin was red and blotchy. They think that it may have been a reaction to the IV vanco. He was given a little Benadryl and they started running the vanco at a slower rate. Peyton does nothing easily....but he has been fine since. They pulled the foley catheter and he has been voiding on his own. We are still waiting for him to poop again and may need to administer another enema. Time will tell. They put the chest tube to water seal and I am hopeful that they will pull that today which will make him a little more comfortable. All in all we have made great progress and Peyton is doing well! We will most likely spend another night in the ICU and then will hopefully move back up to the tenth floor. They will slowly start to wean him off of his meds and watch for withdrawals. Hopefully we won't have to experience that again. Thank you for the prayers and support through this emotional time. xo


  1. You Hokes are one amazingly strong family - Peyton has been through more in this last year than most people do in their entire life. He is so blessed to have you and Chris as his mommy and daddy. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." Hang in there guys - much love and prayers from Maryland xo love, hubs

  2. Way to go Peyton!!! So glad things are going well and he is in the clear from the surgeries. Peyton is a rockstar - xoxo!
