Wednesday, April 16, 2014


We came to the ICU last night after surgery. When we got to Peyton's room they had him comfortable and on an oxygen mask helping him to breath. They had called for an x-ray of his chest bedside. When getting him situated for the x-ray and moving him around he got agitated, started to cry, and held his breath. His oxygen saturation level dropped to around 12 (it is supposed to be at 100.) They used a bag to manually make him start breathing again. They continued with the x-ray which showed his left lung is collapsed. They decided to put him on a cpap machine (continuous positive airway pressure) to help him breathe. He was still agitated so the respiratory team chose to change it to a bpap (bilevel positive airway pressure). He seemed to settle in and become more comfortable with the breathing help as well as the increased morphine. The good part of all of this is that it warranted Peyton to get his own nurse. At this point he also lost his arterial line which monitors his oxygen saturation level, blood pressure, and they can draw blood from. He has two peripherals so they were not overly concerned. At this point there wasn't much that Chris or I could do so we decided to head home to try and get some rest. We called multiple times to check in. On the 3am call the nurse told us that Peyton became agitated again and his oxygen saturation levels dropped. They were watching him closely and there was nothing that we could do so we told her we would be in first thing in the morning. When we got here this morning he seemed comfortable. They tried to remove the bpap machine to see how he would do breathing on his own for a short time. Immediately his oxygen saturation levels dropped to 10 again. They used the oxygen bag to get his levels back up. As a team they decided that it was in Peyton's best interest to re-intubate him so that he would be able to rest and heal. They intubated him bedside. After intubating him they tried to put another arterial line in which was a failed attempt. They have called to get a picc line placed so that they can have access. That wont happen until later this afternoon. The good news is that Peyton is stable and comfortable. He is able to rest and start to heal internally. I will continue to update if there are changes but it sounds like this will be status quo for the next few days. I keep reminding myself "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

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