Friday, January 24, 2014


Sorry I did not post anything last night. Our procedure got pushed back again due to another emergency so we did not sit down with the team of doctors until about 6:30. Peyton spent the night in the PICU for monitoring. Here is what we know so far. He does not have tracheal stenosis he has severe tracheomalacia which presents itself in a lot of TE Fistula babies. Many children out grow tracheomalacia but seeing that Peyton has had two life threatening episodes recently in a short period of time the team is worried for his safety. They want to run a couple of scans on his him to see if any of his internal organs may be pressing against his trachea and causing the severe narrowing. If that is not the case they talked about potentially having to do a tracheotomy. We do not know when the scans are scheduled for but seeing as it is Friday afternoon I assume that nothing will happen until Monday. We are waiting to be moved back up to the Critical Care/Pulmonology floor. If we hear anything or get any news I will be sure to let you all know. Once again I cannot thank you enough for the kind words, prayers, and support. It means so much to Chris and I to know that you are all thinking of Peyton and his well being. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xo R


  1. We'll be seeing you guys this weekend. I MUST give that tough boy some hugs - xoxo

  2. Wishing we were there to keep you company- miss you so much, and thinking of you always!

  3. Oh my goodness, the pic of Chris and P melts my heart. We are thinking about you guys LOTS. Sending loads of bear hugs and kissies to Mr. P. Love you all. Stay strong. xoxo
