Friday, January 31, 2014


Big update...we are getting discharged tomorrow afternoon! Tomorrow marks the two week mark of being at UNC. I was in desperate need of a break yesterday so Chris's parents drove him, Dylan, Brady, and Cooper to Chapel Hill so that we only had one car here. Chris relieved me yesterday afternoon and I took Dylan and the dogs to our friends Doug and Krista's house in Durham. They were nice enough to let us stay for a couple of nights and Dylan has been having a blast playing with their son Caleb. I came back to the hospital this afternoon so that Chris could get us organized for the big drive tomorrow. It looks like we are on track for an afternoon discharge. From there we will head up 95 and make the trek to Boston. We are getting admitted to Boston Children's hospital on Monday. From what I understand (if we go through with surgery there) we will most likely be in Boston for about 3 weeks. I am excited to put this part of our journey behind us and move on to the next part. Every day that passes brings us closer to being home and healthy. God speed.
 Breakfast with friends!
 Our first big girl bath with Caleb
 Playtime with Caleb
Playtime before bed

1 comment:

  1. So thankful for these updates mama - going to be saying lots of prayers for you guys tomorrow and for the weeks ahead. Thinking of you often! Xo
