Sunday, February 2, 2014


Twelve hours, nine states, eight feeds, four gas stops, four diaper changes, and three potty breaks for  Brady and Cooper later...success! After reviewing all of the paperwork, picking up Peyton's prescriptions, and organizing the car we had UNC in our rearview mirror. We left around 1:15 pm and arrived in Winchester, MA around 1:15 am. We powered through the drive and the kids did fantastic. It was extremely helpful that we traveled a good amount through the night because they slept for the most part. We are getting admitted to Boston Children's tomorrow to start the next leg of our journey.Until then we are going to enjoy our freedom, some fresh air, and the Superbowl!
 Leaving UNC
Thank goodness for naps...

Enjoying time together for the first time in 15 days

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys made it safely! Loving being able to follow Payton's journey! Continuing to pray for you all!
