Monday, February 10, 2014


Good morning from the ICU! Today is a big day. That being said, we had an uneventful weekend. They have been keeping Peyton comfortable and sedated with a cocktail of morphine, midazolam, and dexmedetomidine. He still has the paravertebral catheter in as well for pain.  The respiratory team has been administering racemic epi treatments intravenously to help with his breathing. They have also been working with him because his right upper lobe is collapsed. After x-rays this morning it is looking better. The x-rays also showed that the secretions in his lungs are almost all dried up which is a positive because once off the ventilator he would be on his own to clear them. Up to this point he has been on a ventilator. Later this morning they will start weaning him off of the meds so that he wakes up and has to start breathing over the ventilator. They will pressure test his breathing to make sure that he is able to do it all on his own. I don't think that it will take long for them to extubate him from there. I will update once he is extubated to let you know how the process went. Prayers that it is uneventful and goes smoothly.

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