Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Valentines Day! Yesterday was a better day. My mom and Dylan came in to visit which was so much fun. Dylan was a wild woman and loved playing in Peyton's crib. They were so excited to see each other! Peyton did much better with his feeds. He took down about 4 oz every few hours. There were times after he ate that he sounded really junky and couldn't seem to cough up the mucus and secretions that are stuck in his lungs. He would vomit here and there but seemed to keep a good amount of food down. At points we had to use a suction to stick down up his nose and down the nasal passage to help get him to cough. It was not very pleasant. Peyton was pretty happy yesterday and smiled a lot which was very refreshing. Physical Therapy came by to assess his development and do some chest PT. They were pleased with what they saw. Along with some vomiting after feeds Peyton had a lot of diarrhea, poor baby. Because of this he is now on precautions which means anyone who comes into our room needs to be gloved and gowned, he can't go tot the playroom or common areas, etc. I am waiting for him to have a bowel movement so we can collect some and send it down to the lab to see if he has an infection or virus that may be causing this. It may take up to two days for results. We also stopped his feeds late afternoon to give his belly a break and put him back on IV fluids until after the endoscopy and bronchoscopy today. Let's hope that Dr. Jennings does not think that he needs an aortopexy to fix the front of his trachea. I will updated once we hear more.
 P and D visit
 My Valentine

1 comment:

  1. I continue to appreciate your blog posts/updates and your family is constantly in my thoughts. Sending love, stay strong.
