Thursday, February 6, 2014

2/6 Part II

Here we go. I met with the EA (esophageal atresia) team late this afternoon during their rounds to talk through tomorrow. Dr. Jennings watched his bronchoscopy video with me to show me what his plan is for fixing Peyton's ever so narrow airway...poor guy. I have no doubt that we are in the right place and in the right hands. Dr. Jennings will be coming to take Peyton tomorrow morning around 6:45 but probably will not make the first incision until about 9. He is first case. They will give him some gas to put make him comfortable to start. His IV came out today so they will put an IV in (from what anesthesia tells me there will be numerous IV's for precautionary measures.) They will most likely put in a central line as well. They will begin by doing a bronchoscopy so Dr. Jennings can see exactly what he is working with for himself. From there his plan is to go in from the back using the TE Fistula scars. He will basically build and reinforce the posterior side of Peyton's trachea. There is a pouch that sits above a stitch from the TE Fistula surgery that he is going to remove. I asked how long I should be prepared for him to be in surgery and Dr. Jennings looked at me and said 'until I am done.' Anesthesia told me the surgery can take anywhere from 4-11 hours depending. They will update us as they progress. I will try and keep everyone up to date as best I can. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I cannot thank you enough for your positive energy, thoughts, prayers, and kind words. P man has a lot of people pulling for him tomorrow and he also has some amazing guardian angels that I know will be ever so present. We send our love to you all.
 Early morning sunrise with Dad
 Playing in my crib
 All smiles after bath
Goodnight all! xo

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best...thanks for keeping us all up to date.

    Aunt Sheila
