Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Today marks 34 consecutive days in a hospital. It has been a long journey thus far but I am positive that we are making great headway despite the speed bumps that we have hit along the way. I am just beginning to feel like myself again recovering from whatever I had, norovirus, C Diff, etc. It was a rough few days. Peyton's stool results came back and he tested positive for C Diff a Gram-positive spore-forming bacteria that grows in the gut that is best known for causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Symptoms include watery diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, loss of appetite, low grade fever, blood in stool, and weight loss. We are treating this with flagyl, an antibiotic. It can take about 48 hours to start to kick in. Despite contracting this virus, Peyton's spirits are high and has a happy disposition. He still hasn't wanted to eat much. He has taken some jar food but wants nothing to do with a bottle. When he does eat formula he throws up soon after. They are sending some more of his stool down to test for rotavirus, which causes severe acute gastroenteritis with diarrhea and vomiting. There is no treatment for rotavirus other than keeping hydrated. The team has begun to throw around the idea of putting in a feeding tube if Peyton does not start taking fluids orally in the next day or so. I am hoping that tomorrow brings a new day, one that makes Peyton extremely thirsty!

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