Friday, February 21, 2014


Peyton and Dylan turned 9 months old today. Peyton has spent both his 8 and 9 month birthdays in a hospital setting. Last night Peyton's oxygen saturation levels dropped  and he started to sound a little 'junky' so they ordered an x-ray in the middle of the night. They saw fluid in his right lobe which most likely means he has been aspirating when eating. They ordered a CBC (complete blood count) which is a blood test to make sure that he does not have pneumonia. He lost his IV today...we knew that the day was coming. I think this has been his longest stretch with the same IV in to date. They IV nurse tried to put a new one in without any success. They then called in the head IV nurse and she tried as well...without success:( Poor guy has no good veins left. This most likely means that they will put a feeding tube in through his nose to deliver fluid and nutrients. He took in a few feeds but not nearly where he needs to be. The doctors aren't overly concerned at this point. They think that there could be a few reasons for Peyton not wanting to eat: being taken off of the methadone, GI upset, the C diff, or the antibiotic for C diff. They switched out the antibiotic to the other one that treats the virus and he seems to be tolerating it much better.  The feeding team stopped by and we have thickened his feeds even more hoping it will help to stop any aspiration that may be taking place. I am hopeful that tomorrow he will miraculously want to drink like he used to. Thank you all for the continued thoughts and prayers. xo


  1. Happy 9 months, Peyton and Dylan. Thinking about you guys so much. Peyton is such a trooper and these 9 months pics are adorable. Love his hair in that last one!

  2. Still such a happy boy - he is so blessed to have you and Chris as his mommy and daddy. xo

  3. What a handsome man! We miss you guys!
