Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Chris stayed the night with Peyton at the hospital last night so I could get some sleep. Sweet man. I came in this morning to relieve Chris and spend the day with Mr. Peyton. Miss Dylan has been lucky enough to spend her days with Molly (thank you Molly for all of your help!) I didn't think that we had much scheduled and that it would be a slow day but I was wrong. We packed a lot in today! We went down to Radiology earlier this morning and had x-rays of his spine done. From there we came upstairs and had a meeting with Dr. Gno, the Pediatric GI doctor to talk about his role this week and moving forward. From there we had a team come in to do an Echo (ultrasound of the heart.) Peyton was given a dose of Ativan prior to the echo because they need him to stay pretty still in order to get good images. Along with the Ativan and echo we gave him some chocolate pudding to keep his attention and try to keep him calm and he loved it! After every bite we got a huge smile. Happy boy. We haven't received results of any of today's tests yet. We did find out that Peyton's viral test from yesterday came back negative so he is off of precautions. Playroom here we come! We have really taken advantage of the stroller that Children's provided us. We have walked countless laps around the floor and we explored some of the other areas of the hospital as well. Peyton has been extremely happy and content today which makes my day so much more pleasant. Tomorrow we have the CAT scan scheduled for 1:00 which means he will be NPO (nothing to eat orally) starting around 4am. Eek. As of now we are still on schedule to have the bronchoscopy and aortopexy for Friday but this still subject to change. Thank you all for your positive thoughts, prayers, and support. It has been much appreciated and helps to lift us all up during this time. xoxo
 Pudding face
 Deep thoughts by Mr. Peyton
 Love my walks!
Fun times with Molly and Anna


  1. Chocolate pudding face - takes after his dad apparently! Looking forward to seeing you guys in a few days. Makes me happy to see/hear all the support. Unbelievable friends. Get em P-Man.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thinking of you guys. So glad you made it to Boston safely and that you like the team up there. Thank you for keeping us updated via the blog - I love seeing the adorable pictures too!

  4. I love the pudding face! Good job Peyton! I know you will do great with the remainder of your tests this week!
